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Revised Procedures for Task Forces

Revised Procedures for Task Forces

Adopted by the CAA board of Directors on February 13, 2011; revised on February 26, 2012.

I. Introduction

CAA, through its board, periodically establishes task forces to study and provide recommendations to the board regarding matters of concern to the Association. The formation of a task force may be suggested by any CAA member in accordance with Section II. by sending a request to develop a proposal to the President, in the case of Section II. A, or to the chair of a Standing Committee, in the case of Section II. B.

II. Developing a Proposal for the Formation of a Task Force

A. At the request of the board of Directors

1. One or more members of the board or persons may, at the request of the board, develop a proposal for the formation of a task force.

2. The board request shall define the topics and scope of the proposal to the drafted, including deadlines for submission of the proposal to the board. The matters to be addressed in the proposal should include the following, along with any others included in the board’s request:

  • a statement of the need for a task force to address the issue,
  • the charge to the task force,
  • a list of potential task force members
  • a description of the expertise desired of task force members,
  • nature and scope of staff involvement,
  • criteria for determining whether the task force has met its goals,
  • anticipated costs, if any, and
  • timeline for task force beginning, reporting on and completing its work.

3. Upon completion of the proposal, the Executive Director and CAA Counsel shall review the proposal in relation to the Association’s By-Laws, policies, Standards and Guidelines, staff resources and other priorities.

4. The Executive Committee will review and prioritize the proposal and make a recommendation to the board to adopt or reject the proposal or ask that the proposal be modified or supplemented.

5. Having the recommendation of the Executive Committee, the board may approve or reject the proposal or ask that it be modified or supplemented by its proponents.

6. If the board adopts the proposal and the task force is formed, its chair and members will be appointed in accordance with the By-Laws.

B. By a chair of a CAA Standing Committee

1. A chair of a CAA Standing Committee may develop a proposal for a task force in consultation with the Vice President for Committees. If, however, the matter relates to publications, the chair shall instead consult with the Vice President for Publications, or, if it relates to the Annual Conference, with the Vice President for the Annual Conference.

2. The proposal shall include, at a minimum, the items listed in II. A. 2.

3. The Vice President described in II. B. 1 will refer the proposal to the Executive Committee for its consideration or ask the chair to modify or supplement the proposal.

4. Upon the advice of the Executive Director and CAA Counsel, the Executive Committee may modify the proposal, ask that the proposal be modified or supplemented by the Vice President and the chair, or recommend that the board adopt the proposal.

5. Having the recommendation of the Executive Committee, the board may approve or modify the proposal or ask that it be modified or supplemented by the Vice President and the chair.

6. If the board adopts a proposal to form a task force, once the task force is formed, its chair and members will be appointed in accordance with the By-Laws.

III. Work of the Task Force

A. Once the board adopts the resolution establishing the task force, the task force chair will work with the Executive Director to determine staff involvement, frequency of meetings, and division of responsibilities for information gathering, note-taking and communication with task force members.

B. The chair shall establish a schedule of meetings to enable the task force to complete its work in accordance with the timeline. The chair shall call the meetings, assisted by CAA staff.

C. The chair and task force members shall allocate tasks among themselves in order to complete the work in accordance with the timeline.

D. Minutes of task force meetings shall be recorded by a member of the task force. Minutes shall be distributed on a timely basis to task force members.

E. In accordance with the timeline, the chair shall make periodic written (or, if the board desires, oral) reports to the board.

IV. Report of the Task Force

A. The task force shall prepare a report to the board, which may include a recommendation for further action. Any draft resolution prepared by the task force for consideration by the board shall be reviewed by the Executive Director and CAA Counsel.

B. After such review, any recommendation and draft resolution for adoption by the board shall be presented to the Executive Committee by the task force chair or the applicable Vice President.

C. The Executive Committee may recommend to the board that the task force’s recommendation and draft resolution be adopted, may modify the resolution or ask that the recommendation or resolution be modified or supplemented.

D. Having the recommendation of the Executive Committee, the board may take such action on the recommendation and draft the resolution as it deems appropriate.

V. Communication

A. If the board adopts any resolution emanating from the work of the task force, the resolution shall be announced in CAA News, on, as well as through other forms of communication as appropriate.