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The Color of Joy: A Roundtable Discussion

A roundtable on how the BIPOC subject finds opportunities to experience pleasure and joy in their daily lives.

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A Re-evaluation of Impressions: Shah Garg Foundation’s Making Their Mark

Who does mark-making belong to?

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Explore the Latest Issue of Art Journal

Look through a preview of its content or explore the digital version.

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Explore the Latest Issue of The Art Bulletin

Look through a preview of its content or explore the digital version.

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2023–2024 Podcasts!

An all-new season of podcasts related to the visual arts and education.

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Recent News

CWA Picks: Fall 2024
The exhibitions and other events selected for the Committee on Women in the Arts (CWA) Fall Picks highlight the multitude of technologies–old and new–that artists have used to bring attention to overlooked communities including fellow creatives: groups sidelined for reasons of race, region, gender, sexuality, and other marginalizing factors and non-human entities with whom we share space.

Apply for the Michael Aurbach Fellowship for Excellence in Visual Art!
Established in 2022, The Michael Aurbach Fellowship for Excellence in Visual Art recognizes and honors CAA members who have obtained an MFA or equivalent in studio art and are currently teaching studio classes full-time or part-time.

Call for Applications: CAA-Getty International Program 2025
CAA is currently accepting applications for the CAA-Getty International Program! Thanks to generous support from Getty, the program—now in its thirteenth year—will enable scholars from all over the world to travel to New York to participate in the CAA 113th Annual Conference, February 12–15, 2025.

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Featured News

Funds for Travel to Special Exhibitions Available Twice Per Year!
The Art History Travel Fund, established in 2018 to provide students with opportunities to gain first-hand knowledge of original works of art by supporting travel to special exhibitions in the US and around the world, will now have two application windows per year for qualified faculty! 

Member Spotlight: Meet New Editor-in-Chief of Art Journal, Derek Conrad Murray!
CAA is pleased to introduce Derek Conrad Murray as Art Journal’s new Editor-in-Chief! Murray is Professor of History of Art and Visual Culture at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Art Journal has been a “fixture” since his student years and his tenure will continue to “[support] pathbreaking creative and intellectual work.”

CAA Signs on to the American Council of Learned Societies Statement on 2024 Campus Protest
CAA has signed on to the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Statement on 2024 Campus Protests, which, like the American Historical Association (AHA) statement last week, was issued in response to recent decisions by colleges and universities to encourage police intervention and suppress protests.

CAA Signs on to the American Historical Association's Statement on 2024 Campus Protests
CAA has signed on to the American Historical Association (AHA) Statement on 2024 Campus Protests, in response to recent decisions by colleges and universities to encourage police intervention and suppress protests.


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September 30, 2024

Deadline to Request a Reunion, Reception, or Affiliated Society Business Meeting during the CAA Annual Conference.

October 15, 2024

Deadline to apply to the Art History Travel Fund.

November 1, 2024

Deadline to apply to the Michael Aurbach Fellowship for Excellence in Visual Art .

February 12–15, 2025

CAA 113th Annual Conference in New York City.

All Deadlines