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RAAMP Coffee Gathering: Participatory Conversation on Reimagining Engagement in Academic Art Museums, Part 2
On Tuesday, October 20, 2020 at 2:00 PM EST CAA’s Cali Buckley spole once more with Berit Ness, Assistant Curator of Academic Initiatives, Smart Museum of Art at the University of Chicago, and Celka Straughn, Andrew W. Mellon Director of Academic Programs at the Spencer Museum of Art at the University of Kansas.
This secondary participatory conversation was designed to bring colleagues together in discussion once more. The bulk of the session will take place in smaller break-out rooms for participants to individually share and learn from each other. Below are some prompts for generating conversations.
- What techniques, platforms, or models have you found successful with academic engagement this fall?
- What strategies have you found successful for overcoming the many challenges?
- What (additional) resources have you found beneficial along the way, including for self-care?
Participants shared examples of class sessions, assignments, and other resources to share with colleagues. We used breakout sessions, which were not recorded, to discuss how to answer these prompts in smaller groups.
We used this shared Google document for logging responses to these prompts: