CAA News Today
Affiliated Society News for September 2014
posted Sep 09, 2014
The American Council for Southern Asian Art (ACSAA) has announced the results of its recent election. Serving for the term September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2018: Deepali Dewan, president; Alka Patel, vice president; John Henry Rice, treasurer; Yael Rice, officer; Melodi Rod-ari, Bulletin editor (reappointed); and Emma Natalya Stein, graduate-student representative (term September 1, 2014–August 31, 2016; via lottery). They will join continuing board members, whose terms run through August 31, 2016: Catherine Becker, secretary; Molly Aitken, officer; Lisa Owen, officer; and Cathleen Cummings, webmaster. Many thanks to the outgoing board members: Stephen Markel, president; Deborah Hutton, treasurer; John Cort, officer; and Rashmi Viswanathan, graduate-student representative.
Arts Council of the African Studies Association
The Arts Council of the African Studies Association (ACASA) held its sixteenth triennial symposium on African art, chaired by Kevin Dumouchelle and Gary van Wyk, at the Brooklyn Museum in New York from March 19 to 22, 2014. This was the largest ACASA gathering to date, with over 450 attendees from four continents. The South African artist and activist Kim Berman delivered a dynamic keynote address. Amidst the success of this year’s symposium, planning is underway for the next triennial, which will take place at the University of Ghana in Legon in August 2017. ACASA is also generating a sustained presence at international scholarly events, including the European Conference on African Studies (ECAS).
Several ACASA board members completed their terms this spring, with special thanks to John Peffer, Steven Nelson, and Kinsey Katchka for their dedicated service. ACASA welcomes four new board members: Silvia Forni, Eric Appau Asante, Boureima Diamitani, and Sidney Kasfir, and an incoming president, Dominique Malaquais.
Congratulations to: Jean Borgatti and Henry Drewal, recipients of the ACASA Leadership Award; the Roy Sieber Dissertation Award winner Amanda Rogers; and Arnold Rubin Book Award winners Allen Roberts (single author) and Marla Berns, Richard Fardon, and Sidney Littlefield Kasfir (multiauthored volume). The honorable mentions are: Peter Probst, Gitti Salami, and Monica Blackmun Visonà.
Community College Professors of Art and Art History
The Community College Professors of Art and Art History (CCPAAH) will host two sessions at conferences next year. “Foundations Flipped? Active Learning in Art History and the Studio” will be the topic of a 2015 session at the CAA Annual Conference in New York. Join CCPAAH for this session and its business meeting, which will be a “Project Exchange” that offers a chance to share best practices and ideas to use in your studio and art-history classes. The second session, “Beyond Good, Bad, and ‘I Like It’: A New Take on Critique,” will be presented at next year’s Foundations in Art: Theory and Education (FATE) conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. The organization seeks additional presenters for the CAA session. Please email the group at if you are interested in presenting or if you have questions. You can also like CCPAAH’s Facebook page.
Historians of Islamic Art Association
The Historians of Islamic Art Association (HIAA) is pleased to announce Ashley Dimmig as its most recent Grabar Travel Grant recipient. Dimmig is a doctoral student in the History of Art Department at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Her work focuses on Persian and Turkish early modern and modern visual culture, with an emphasis on textile arts.
Established in memory of Professor Oleg Grabar, the Grabar Travel Grant competition is open to doctoral candidates who have been invited or accepted as participants in a scholarly conference or other professional meeting. These grants are intended to encourage and further the professional development of graduate students in all areas of the history of Islamic art, architecture, and archaeology. For more information on the Grabar Travel Grants and the related Grabar Postdoctoral Fellowships, please visit the above link.
International Association of Art Critics
The International Association of Art Critics (AICA-USA) announced the results of the general membership election for board members at its annual meeting, held at Artists Space Books and Talks in New York on June 11, 2014. Three existing board members—Phong Bui, Christopher French, and Barbara MacAdam—had their terms renewed for three years, and two new board members, Alexandra Anderson and Jane Farver, were elected to serve three-year terms. The board chose its officers at a subsequent meeting: Barbara MacAdam is president; Norman Kleeblatt is vice president for membership; Jill Conner is treasurer; and Josephine Gear is secretary. All officers have two-year terms.
International Sculpture Center
The International Sculpture Center (ISC) returns ten years later to the culturally vibrant city of New Orleans for the twenty-fourth International Sculpture Conference: Sculpture, Culture, and Community, to be held October 1–4, 2014. This conference will feature panel discussions, keynote speakers Alice Aycock and Fairfax Dorn, ARTSlams, optional tours, networking events, and workshops. The event will also explore how sculpture and the arts can rejuvenate communities and economies. Registration is open now and includes admission to all panels, the keynote speakers, the opening reception at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art, a gallery hop at the Art for Arts’ Sake street party, the littleSCULPTURE show, Friday Nights at NOMA, ARTSlams, and networking events, among other activities. Registrants may also sign up for optional tours and workshops, for which additional fees may apply. The conference is hosted in collaboration with the Contemporary Arts Center New Orleans, Creative Alliance of New Orleans, New Orleans Arts District, New Orleans Museum of Art, Ogden Museum of Southern Art, Renaissance New Orleans Arts Hotel, and Sculpture for New Orleans.
National Council of Arts Administrators
The forty-second annual meeting of the National Council of Arts Administrators (NCAA) convenes September 24–26, 2014, in Nashville, Tennessee. The event will be hosted by Vanderbilt University. The world is the new studio. Artists are involved in ever-expanding production involving constituents beyond the art world and marketplace. As educational institutions, how do we respond to this massive shift in artistic attitude? Is there a balance between standard nineteenth- and twentieth-century production and new twenty-first-century practice centered on global and social interconnectedness? This conference investigates art’s expanding field by exploring influences of globalization, art education and integrated practice. Participants will consider their role as educators of creativity, how they influence their institutions, and their effect upon local and world communities. Speakers include: Pablo Helguera, author and director of adult and academic programs in the Education Department of the Museum of Modern Art; Richard Lloyd, author of Neo-Bohemia: Art and Commerce in the Post Industrial City; David Owens, author of Creative People Must Be Stopped! Six Ways We Stop Innovation (without Even Trying); and Steven Tepper, author of Not Here, Not Now, Not That! Protest over Art and Culture in America. Visit for more information.
Society for Photographic Education
The Society for Photographic Education (SPE) offers student member scholarships to offset the cost of attending the SPE national conference, taking place March 12–15, 2015, in New Orleans, Louisiana. Each award includes a $550 travel stipend, a conference fee waiver, and a complimentary one-year SPE membership. For more information, visit the SPE website. Application deadline is November 1, 2014, at 11:59 PM EST.
Society of Architectural Historians
The Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) is accepting applications for the 2014 H. Allen Brooks Travelling Fellowship. The prestigious fellowship of $50,000 will allow a recent graduate or emerging scholar to study by travel for one year. The fellowship is not for the purpose of doing research for an advanced degree. Instead, it is intended to allow the recipient to see and experience architecture and landscapes firsthand, to think about his or her profession deeply, and to acquire knowledge useful for his or her future work and contribution to society. The deadline is October 1, 2014. For details and to apply, visit the website.
Save the date for the 2014 SAH Awards Gala: Saturday, November 8, 6:00–9:00 PM at the Fortnightly of Chicago. The gala’s theme is “A Foundation for Preservation,” honoring those individuals who initiated early preservation work in Chicago and continue to support and encourage preservation. The winners and their award categories include: Ben Weese, Fellow of the American Institute of Architects (Preservation Advocacy); Tim Samuelson (Stewardship of the Built Environment); Robert Furhoff (Architectural Conservation); Wilbert Hasbrouck, Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, and Marilyn Hasbrouck (Architectural Media); and Toni Preckwinkle (Conservation of the Natural Environment). The gala benefits SAH’s educational mission and restoration of the Charnley-Persky House.
Society of Historians of Eastern European, Eurasian, and Russian Art and Architecture
The Society of Historians of Eastern European, Eurasian, and Russian Art and Architecture (SHERA) is delighted to welcome the Art History Department of the European University at St. Petersburg as a new institutional member. The department’s special area of interest is the history of cultural contacts between Russia and Europe. SHERA’s officers look forward to working with Dean Ilia Doronchenkov on collaborative projects that will bring together scholars working on areas of mutual interest.
SHERA’s News Blog continues to be a source of information on events and opportunities for scholars working on art and architecture of any period from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Be sure to keep up with the news by going to SHERA’s website and clicking on News.