Vanessa Rocco visits
Photo-Poetics: An Anthology at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. The “exhibition of ten contemporary photographers” is grounded in the “passionate advocacy of investing time in looking closely at photographs.” As a whole, the works on display were “striking,” though “some individuals and groups were more compelling than others.”
Read the full review at caa.reviews.

Nicholas C. Morgan reviews the book
Flesh Cinema: The Corporeal Turn in American Avant-Garde Film by Ara Osterweil. In “one of the most compelling studies of the body’s relation to avant-garde art and film,” the author “articulate[s] ‘flesh cinema’ as a coherent, if shifting, category of postwar film” and insists “on the impossibility of divorcing ‘flesh cinema’ from the flesh of the world.”
Read the full review at caa.reviews.

Anne Hrychuck Kontokosta discusses
Gods and Mortals at Olympus: Ancient Dion, City of Zeus at the Onassis Cultural Center. The exhibition “delighted viewers with a carefully curated collection” of objects” and “focused on archeological research,” facilitating “a comprehensive and contextualized understanding of the ancient city of Dion.”
Read the full review at caa.reviews.

Gülru Çakmak reads
Gustave Moreau: History Painting, Spirituality, and Symbolism by Peter Cooke. The author traces the artist’s “lifelong endeavor to revitalize
le grand art in France … and to combat the endemic materialism of the age,” showing how “the antinaturalist and antidemocratic aesthetic” of Moreau’s work “countered the dominant naturalist paradigm in French art.”
Read the full review at caa.reviews.