CAA News Today
Serve on a CAA Editorial Board, Committee, or Jury
posted Mar 20, 2019

Attendees at the 2019 Annual Conference in New York. Photo: Ben Fractenberg
Each spring, members have the opportunity to provide critical service to the field and gain an inside view by volunteering to work on a CAA editorial board, committee, or jury.
Any member may self-nominate for the following positions or (after ascertaining interest) nominate another member. For more information, please click on the links below.
All deadlines for 2019 have passed.
Art Journal Open—Editor-in-Chief
Deadline: April 1—Editor-in-Chief
Deadline: April 1—Four Field Editors
Design History, Eighteenth-Century Art, Architecture and Urbanism, Theory and Historiography
Deadline: April 15
The Art Bulletin—Editorial Board Members
Deadline: April 15
Annual Conference—CAA Council of Readers
New this year, we’re asking members to serve a crucial role in shaping conference content.
Deadline: April 18
Annual Conference—Annual Conference Chair
Deadline: April 29
Annual Conference—Awards for Distinction Juries
Deadline: May 13
Millard Meiss Publication Fund—Jury Members
Deadline: May 13
Professional Development Fellowships in Art History and Visual Art—Jury Members
Deadline: May 13
Professional Committees—Seeking New Members
Committees: Design, Diversity Practices, Intellectual Property, Women in the Arts, Education, International, Museum, Professional Practices, Services to Artists, Student and Emerging Professionals
Deadline: September 18