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Summer Job-Search Advice for Doctoral Students

posted by Christopher Howard — Jun 17, 2009

“My original source of income for the summer (teaching) has fallen through, so I am a bit desperate to find a job,” asks a graduate student of two career specialists at the Chronicle of Higher Education. In the form of a conversation, Julie Miller Vick of the University of Pennsylvania and Jennifer S. Furlong of Columbia University give excellent advice in the Career Talk section of the newspaper’s website.

Among the suggestions provided by Vick and Furlong:

  • “If you have experience working with archives, approach museum and university archives in your geographic area to see if they need part-time help with any projects that align with your background”
  • “Besides writing, editing and research, think about other areas in which you might build your expertise, such as Web design, graphics applications, computer programming that relates to your discipline, presentation skills, and foreign-language skills”
  • “Be sure that you put together a timeline of things you’d like to accomplish this summer and into the fall”

Read the full article—and the entire column archives—at the Chronicle’s Career Talk section.

Filed under: Career Services, Workforce