CAA News Today
Affiliated Society News for September 2012
posted Sep 09, 2012
Art Libraries Society of North America

Windows on the War: Soviet Tass Posters at Home and Abroad, 1941–1945, edited by Peter Kort Zegers and Douglas W. Druick, won the 2011 George Wittenborn Memorial Book Award
The 2012 George Wittenborn Memorial Book Award Committee of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) welcomes submissions of notable art books published in North America during 2012. This prestigious award is presented annually to publications demonstrating excellence in art publishing. Established by ARLIS/NA in 1980, the award honors the memory of George Wittenborn (1905–1974), a premier New York art-book dealer and publisher who was a strong supporter of ARLIS/NA in its formative years. Each year, eligible titles are evaluated for excellence in standards of content, documentation, layout, and format. From these titles, one exemplary publication will be chosen to receive the George Wittenborn Memorial Book Award. Titles eligible for consideration include books (print and electronic), exhibition catalogues, and new periodical titles in any language, published in 2012 and originating from a North American publisher. Publications submitted by foreign publishers with North American offices must have been authored or edited in North America. The book-selection guidelines, entry form, and application address can all be found online. The deadline for consideration is December 31, 2012; the presentation of the awards will take place in April 2013 during the ARLIS/NA forty-first annual conference in Pasadena, California.
Association for Modern and Contemporary Art of the Arab World, Iran, and Turkey
The Association for Modern and Contemporary Art of the Arab World, Iran, and Turkey (AMCA) held its second annual conference, “The Longevity of Rupture: 1967 in Art and Its Histories,” at the American University in Beirut. Lebanon, on June 1–2, 2012.
AMCA is currently accepting submissions for the Rhonda A. Saad Prize for Best Graduate Paper in Modern Arab Art, 2012. In its second year, the award aims to recognize and promote excellence in the field of modern and contemporary Arab art. The prize is offered to a graduate student working in any discipline whose paper is judged to provide the most significant contribution to Middle Eastern studies and art history. Submissions must have been produced between June 2011 and September 2012, must not exceed thirty-five pages (excluding notes and bibliography), and must not have been previously published or be currently under consideration for publication. Submissions are due by September 30, 2012, and should be emailed to The winner will be announced during the AMCA members meeting, held at the Middle East Studies Association annual meeting in Denver, Colorado, in November 2012.
Association of Historians of American Art
Join the Association of Historians of American Art (AHAA) on October 11 to 13, 2012, for its second symposium, “American Art: The Academy, Museums, and the Market,” in Boston, Massachusetts. The keynote speaker is Holland Cotter, art critic for the New York Times. The Boston Athenaeum and Boston University will host the sessions; additional events include a special viewing of the newly installed Art of the Americas wing at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and a reception at the Boston University Art Gallery. The full symposium schedule of speakers and registration information can be found at the conference website. Hurry! Registration is only open until September 15, 2012, and there are a limited number of spaces available. For more information, please contact the symposium cochairs, David Dearinger and Melissa Renn.
Historians of British Art
The Historians of British Art (HBA) has moved up the application deadline of its annual travel grant in order to give the successful applicant more lead-up time to plan his or her travel in calendar year 2013. This grant of $750 is intended to help offset travel costs incurred by a graduate-student member of HBA who will be presenting a paper on British visual culture at an academic conference. To apply, please send a letter of request, a copy of the letter of acceptance from the organizer of the conference session, an abstract of the paper to be presented, a budget of estimated expenses (noting what items may be covered by other resources), and a CV to Renate Dohmen, grant committee chair. The deadline for the 2013 application is September 15, 2012, with notification to the winner by October 15, 2012. An annual student membership in HBA is only $15; consider joining today.
Historians of Netherlandish Art
The next formal deadline for submitting manuscripts to the Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art, the peer-reviewed, open-access ejournal published by the Historians of Netherlandish Art (HNA), is March 1, 2013. In addition to longer articles, the journal now welcomes shorter notes on archival discoveries, iconographical issues, technical studies, and rediscovered works. Please review the submission guidelines or contact the journal’s editor-in-chief, Alison Kettering, for more information.
Historians of Islamic Art Association
The Historians of Islamic Art Association (HIAA) would like to remind fellow CAA affiliates and members that registration for our third biennial symposium, “Looking Widely, Looking Closely,” hosted by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, October 18–20, 2012, remains open. HIAA is pleased to offer a reduced rate for student members ($35). For more information about the symposium program, and about travel accommodations in New York, please visit the HIAA website.
International Sculpture Center
The International Sculpture Center (ISC) is accepting nominations for the 2013 Outstanding Educator Award, which recognizes individual artist-educators who have excelled at teaching sculpture in institutions of higher learning. Candidates for this award are master sculptors who have devoted their careers to the education of the next generation and to the advancement of the sculpture field as a whole. Nominations for the award will be accepted from September 3 through October 26, 2012. Anyone can nominate a qualified educator: submissions are not limited to United States participants, and international submissions are welcomed and encouraged. Award recipients receive benefits such as a featured article in Sculpture, a lifetime ISC professional-level membership, and an award ceremony to be held at their academic institution. Educational institutions of awardees also receive benefits, including recognition in Sculpture and a one-year ISC university-level membership.
Leonardo Education and Art Forum
The Leonardo Education and Art Forum (LEAF) has welcomed David Familian as its new chair-elect. Familian, an artist and educator, has served as the artistic director of the Beall Center for Art and Technology at the University of California, Irvine, since 2005. He has curated one-person exhibitions of Shih Chieh Huang, Golan Levin, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Chico MacMurtrie, Jennifer and Kevin McCoy, Nam June Paik, and Victoria Vesna.
LEAF seeks contributions to a scholarly project that examines interdisciplinary curricula that span the art, science, and humanities fields. Interested participants should send examples of courses and curricula in areas such art and biology, music and mathematics, art and chemistry, dance and environmental sciences, and similar pairings. The project, a relaunch of a similar call issued in 2009, is spearheaded by Roger Malina, Leonardo executive editor, and Kathryn Evans, a doctoral student at the University of Texas at Dallas. Please address all questions and syllabi or curricula information to Kathryn Evans.
Jill Scott of Z-Node and Ellen K. Levy, former chair of LEAF and an advisor for the Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts, are cochairs of a panel for the eighteenth International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA), taking place September 19–24, 2012, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Their panel, “Synaptic Scenarios for Ecological Environments,” will addresses cognitive issues in relation to ecology with the goal of gaining a greater embodied sense of place within the ecological environment. Another ISEA panel is “Eco-Art + the Evolving Landscape of Social and Situated Practices,” moderated by Patricia Olynyk, an artist and LEAF chair. The panel will focus on education and the complex triad of ecoart, situated practices, and project-based public work that embrace various democratic processes and inspire progressive social, cultural, and environmental change. “Breaking Tradition: Rethinking the Economy of Learning,” an education workshop for ISEA 2012 convened by Nina Czegledy, former chair of LEAF, will discuss the latest developments of educational policy investigations and evaluate the role of educational research and existing educational business strategies, financial modeling, and risk management. Olynyk and Adrienne Klein, incoming LEAF cochair, will moderate the panel “Art and Medicine: Reciprocal Influence” at the 2013 CAA Annual Conference in New York, taking place February 13–16, 2013. Their panel will explore the impact of medicine on artistic practice, of creative process on medical research, and of the idea of the artist’s body as subject matter. Joseph Lewis III of the University of California, Irvine, will moderate a second panel at the CAA conference, called “Re/Search: Art, Science, and Information Technology (ASIT): What Would Leonardo da Vinci Have Thought?”.
Mid-America College Art Association
Save the date for the Mid-America College Art Association (MACAA) biannual conference, taking place October 3–6, 2012, in Detroit, Michigan. The James Pearson Duffy Department of Art and Art History at Wayne State University will host the conference in downtown Detroit. Programming will include three featured speakers; panel presentations in art, design, art history, and visual resources; and studio workshops, MACAA member exhibitions, and museum visits. The conference will have two content areas, “Meaning and Making” and “Community and Collaboration.” Visit the conference website to learn more about the event, to check travel and hotel information, and to become an MACAA member.
National Council of Arts Administrators
From November 7 to 10, 2012, Ohio State University and Columbus College of Art and Design in Ohio will host “Granting Permission“ the fortieth annual conference of the National Council of Arts Administrators (NCAA). The event will focus on a reexamination of the importance of arts and art education as professionals face “occasions piled high with difficulty.” The conference will also spotlight current trends in arts administration; offer forums, speakers, and workshops; and create opportunities to network within a diverse community of higher-education arts professionals. You can expect top-notch speakers, timely and forward-looking sessions, an engaging administrator’s workshop, and much more. NCAA enthusiastically welcomes new members and any interested parties to its events.
Northern California Art Historians
The Northern California Art Historians (NCAH) has inaugurated an annual travel award for promising emerging scholars. Cheyanne Cortez, a master’s degree candidate at San José State University in California, received the award in recognition of her paper, “The Ladies’ American Girl: Delineating an Age through the Ladies Home Journal,” presented at the Women in Magazines conference held at Kingston University in London, June 22–23, 2012. The NCAH gives its sincere thanks to the anonymous donor who generously contributed $300 for this year’s award.
Public Art Dialogue
Public Art Dialogue (PAD) has announced Penny Balkin Bach as the 2013 recipient of the PAD award in recognition of her longstanding and continuing contributions to the field of public art. Join the dialogue with PAD’s newest awardee at the 2013 CAA Annual Conference in New York. More information will be available soon.
Public Art Dialogue is now accepting submissions for its upcoming special issue, “Memorials: The Culture of Remembrance.” This issue seeks to explore memorials in regard to their range of subjects, various formal and conceptual strategies, and critical issues pertaining to their study. PAD welcomes submissions that address related topics (except war or peace, covered in the previous issue) from any time period or place. Please see the journal website for guidelines. The submission deadline is September 15, 2012.
Society for Photographic Education
The Society for Photographic Education (SPE) seeks curators, professors, gallerists, art historians, and scholars to review student and/or professional member portfolios at SPE’s fiftieth annual conference, taking place March 7–10, 2013, in Chicago, Illinois. Portfolio reviewers receive a discounted admission to the four-day event in exchange for their participation. For more information on the conference offerings and to express interest in serving as a portfolio reviewer, please contact SPE. The deadline for portfolio review is November 15, 2012; the deadline for conference registration is February 22, 2013.
Society of North American Goldsmiths
The Society of North American Goldsmiths (SNAG) will hold their forty-second annual conference on May 15–18, 2013, in Toronto, Canada. Titled “Meta-Mosaic,” the event will celebrate the multiple industries within jewelry and metal-smithing in the twenty-first century. Toronto is a mosaic of peoples and cultures as well as the center of Canada’s jewelry industry. This conference will examine a fluid identity within art, craft, and design and inspire attendees to embrace our collective mosaic. Join SNAG for presentations and panels featuring industry luminaries from across the globe, rapid-fire presentations by international designers and artists, and over twenty exhibitions.
Southeastern College Art Conference
The sixty-eighth annual meeting of the Southeastern College Art Conference (SECAC), hosted by Meredith College, will be held in historic Durham, North Carolina, from October 17 to 20, 2012. SECAC membership is required to attend and to participate in the conference; registration opened on August 1, 2012. Please visit the website for registration fees, travel and accommodation details, and local information on Durham. Questions? Please contact Beth Mulvaney, conference chair for SECAC 2012.
Women’s Caucus for Art
The Women’s Caucus for Art (WCA) will present “Honoring Women’s Rights,” a conference and exhibition in celebration of WCA’s fortieth anniversary, taking place September 7–9, 2012, at the National Steinbeck Center in Salinas, California. The conference will feature a celebrated roster of speakers and panelists, including Malissa Feruzzi Shriver, California Arts Council chair, as well as Louise Bernikow, Sandra Fluke, Judy Baca, Flo Oy Wong, Kim Abeles, Ani Zonneveld, Emelia Fuentes Grant, Enid Blader, Geri Montano, Jane Schonberger, Laurie Frank, Linda Bynoe, Marta Donayre, Martha Richards, Melanie Cervantes, Pia Guerrero, and Thea Iberall. The speakers will cover a wide range of topics related to art, activism, and women’s rights. Works of art were juried by Ruth Weisberg, Joyce Aiken, and Patricia Rodriguez and will remain on view through November 25, 2012.