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CAA News Today

Advocacy Matters

posted by CAA — May 05, 2017

Back in January, CAA was one of the first national organizations to speak against the threatened cuts to the NEA and NEH by the new administration.  We participated in the national advocacy days for both the NEA and NEH and CAA staff made more than 20 visits to Congressional offices.  In addition, we put together an Advocacy Toolkit to help CAA members reach out to their elected representatives to make their voices heard.

We were pleased to learn that the both the NEA and NEH (along with many other important Federal agencies) will continue to be funded in the current fiscal year.  In fact, they even received a slight increase.  Importantly, we saw strong bipartisan support for these programs in Congress as they understood the importance of art and culture in the lives of so many people in this country.

However, we don’t believe that these programs are out of the woods yet.  Later this summer the president will offer a more detailed budget for the next fiscal year which will begin this fall.  We are concerned that the president’s proposal will try to make the same cuts we saw in the budget he prepared last March.  We ask you to stay alert to the news and to continue to reach out to your elected representatives to let them know how important these agencies are to our well being.

In advance, many thanks for all of your support.


Hunter O’Hanian
Executive Director

Filed under: Advocacy