CAA News Today
Solo Exhibitions by Artist Members
posted Feb 22, 2013
See when and where CAA members are exhibiting their art, and view images of their work.
Solo Exhibitions by Artist Members is published every two months: in February, April, June, August, October, and December. To learn more about submitting a listing, please follow the instructions on the main Member News page. This section is not an exhibition calendar: artists may submit information for shows that have taken place within the past six months for publication.
February 2013
Marcia Annenberg. Bernstein Gallery, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, December 17, 2012–February 14, 2013. News/Not News. Mixed media.
Maria Creyts. College Art Gallery, University Hall, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, New Jersey, January 8–February 8, 2013. Bespoken. Photography, photo-frieze, and fashion.

Tom McGlynn. Hamilton Square, Jersey City, New Jersey, December 7, 2012–March 25, 2013. Very Much Like (Pictures of Nothing). Painting.
Linda Stein. Bogigian Art Gallery, Wilson College, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, March 31–April 30, 2013. The Fluidity of Gender: Sculpture by Linda Stein. Sculpture.
Kate Gilmore. Museum of Contemporary Art, Cleveland, Ohio, March 16–June 9, 2013. Kate Gilmore: Body of Work. Video and sculpture.
Sharon L. Butler. Pocket Utopia, New York, January 8–February 17, 2013. Precisionist Casual. Painting.
Cora Cohen. Guided by Invoices, New York, February 15–March 16, 2013. The Responsibility of Forms. Painting.
Leila Daw. Gallery West, Suffolk County Community College, Michael J. Grant Campus, State University of New York, Brentwood, New York, January 31–March 14, 2013. Leila Daw: Remember How You Got Here. Mixed media.
Sharon Lee Hart. Charles C. Thomas Gallery, Porteous Building, Maine College of Art, Portland, Maine, October 19–December 17, 2012. Sanctuary: Portraits of Rescued Farm Animals. Photography.
Susanne Slavick. Accola Griefen Gallery, New York, December 7, 2012–January 12, 2013. Wrought. Mixed media.
Tova Snyder. Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, New York University, New York, February 27–March 29, 2013. Italian Roofscapes. Painting.
Esmé Thompson. Courthouse Gallery, Lake George, New York, January 19–February 22, 2013. Esmé Thompson. Painting, sculpture, and installation.
Josette Urso. Kathryn Markel Fine Arts, New York, February 7–March 9, 2013. Snow Day. Painting.
Leah Wolff. Scaramouche, New York, November 11 2012–January 13, 2013. Leah Wolff: It’s Been Hours. Ceramic sculpture and drawing.
Barbara Bernstein. Arlington Arts Center, Arlington, Virginia, December 1, 2012–March 30, 2013. Connections. Plans and maquettes for a public art commission for seven stations of the Virginia Transit System.
Heather Deyling. Roy C. Moore Gallery, Gainesville State College, Gainesville, Georgia, November 1–28, 2012. Imminent Overgrowth. Installation and painting.
Lauren Kalman. Redux Contemporary Art Center, Charleston, South Carolina, January 25–March 3, 2013. Spectacular. Sculpture and video.
Dawn Roe. Gray Box Media Space, White Box, University of Oregon, Portland, Oregon, February 7–March 23, 2013. Dawn Roe: Goldfields. Video installation.
Linda Stein. Robert Graves Gallery, Wenatchee Vallery College, Wenatchee, Washington, January 2–March 14, 2013. The Fluidity of Gender: Sculpture by Linda Stein. Sculpture.