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2022 Professional Development Honorable Mention in Visual Art Alberto Lozano Ruvalcaba in the studio

The Professional Development Fellowships program supports promising artists, designers, craftspersons, historians, curators, and critics who are enrolled in MFA, PhD, and other terminal degree programs. Fellows are honored with $10,000 unrestricted grants to help them with various aspects of their work.

One award will be presented to a practitioner—an artist, designer, and/or craftsperson—and one award will be presented to an art, architecture, and/or design historian, curator, or critic. Fellows also receive a free, one-year CAA membership and complimentary registration to the Annual Conference. Honorable mentions, given at the discretion of the jury, also earn a free one-year CAA membership and complimentary conference registration.  


CAA seeks applications from students who are current members; will receive their MFA or PhD degree in the calendar year 2023, following the year of application (2024 for the current fellowship cycle); and have outstanding capabilities and demonstrate distinction in their contribution to art history and the visual arts. 


See our website pages for the Professional Development Fellowship in Art History and the Professional Development Fellowship in Visual Arts for the full guidelines for each program and follow the APPLY NOW button.  


MFA and PhD Fellowships: November 15, 2023 


For more information about the CAA Professional Development Fellowship program, Cali Buckley, Manager of Grants and Awards & Director of the CAA-Getty International Program, at 

Filed under: Grants and Fellowships