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CAA 111th Annual Business Meeting Minutes

posted by CAA — Dec 11, 2023

CAA Annual Business Meeting Minutes 
New York Hilton Midtown 
Friday, February 17, 2023
1 p.m. ET 

  1. Welcome + Call to Order – Jennifer Rissler, CAA President
    1. Jennifer Rissler called the meeting to order at 1:04 p.m. ET.  
    2. CAA staff members were thanked for working so hard to make the first in-person convening since 2020 a success. 
    3. Jennifer was joined by Executive Director & CEO, Meme Omogbai, and CAA Past President N. Elizabeth Schlatter. 
  2. Approval of 110th Annual Business Meeting Minutes [ACTION ITEM]  
    1. Niku Kashef moved to approve minutes from the CAA 110th Annual Business Meeting; Kelvin Parnell Jr. seconded the motion. 
    2. The minutes were approved unanimously by those present with 14 votes.  
  3. President Report – Jennifer Rissler, CAA President 
    1. A by-law amendment was approved unanimously by the CAA Board of Directors with the required 75% of directors present.  
    2. This amendment was vetted by CAA legal counsel and CAA Past President, N. Elizabeth Schlatter.  
    3. This change allows Appointed Directors to run for the CAA Executive Committee, except for the position of President which will continue to draw from the pool of elected officers only.  
    4. CAA by-laws allow for up to three Appointed Directors on the board; CAA currently has two.  
    5. It was clear at this point in CAA’s evolution that there now exists a need for special skills and expertise to successfully carry out the mission of the Association in the constantly evolving landscape of higher education and the Visual Arts, and as CAA recalibrates for the 21st century.  
    6. This clarification enables CAA to identify talent gaps on the Executive Committee of the Board and to better leverage the unique experience and expertise of every member of the Board regardless of whether they were appointed or elected.  
    7. This proposed clarification only permits Appointed Directors to run for an officer position. It does not guarantee that they will win or that there will always be an Appointed Director on the CAA Executive Committee. 
  4. Executive Director Report + Financial Report– Meme Omogbai, CAA Executive Director + CEO 
    1. Statutorily CAA is required to provide at this meeting the financial status of the Association, based on the audited financial reports:  
      1. The operating financial reports for the fiscal year ended on June 30th, 2022.  
      2. The Association posted a breakeven operating budget with revenue including investments, spinoff matching expenses, and meeting our forecast and budget expectations.  
      3. The Association continues to manage expenses within our means. Operating revenue and expenses totaled $3.3 million, and revenue was just a little over that, at $3.4 million.  
      4. Complete audited financial statements have been provided and will be made available via as well as  
      5. During fiscal year 2021, the Association applied for and received a second draw payroll protection (PPP) loan of $352,195 as part of the CARES Act. In fiscal year 2022, the Association applied for and received full forgiveness of the second draw of the PPP loan. 
    2. Updates on membership: 
      1. As of June 30th, 2022, as audited, there were 394 institutional members and 4298 individual members, reflective of continued systemic higher education and pandemic impacts.  
      2. There were 512 additional subscribers to The Art Bulletin and Art Journal through co-publisher Taylor & Francis.  
    3. Updates on CAA’s Strategic Repositioning plan:  
      1. The Board of Directors approved the CAA Strategic Repositioning plan, which has been updated based upon lived experience adding a fifth fundamental about cultural transformation and continuous learning.  
      2. The plan period was also extended by one year from 2025 to 2026 to accommodate digital transformation delays, as reported at the February 2022 CAA Town Hall meeting.  
      3. The strategic plan was designed to enable us to create a sustainable business model that can support operations, allow for endowment growth, and encourage revenue through responsible and streamlined operations.  
      4. Although we are now operating within our means, membership revenue no longer entirely supports the operations of the Association and has not done so for several years, hence the need for additional revenue streams.  
      5. Combined revenues from membership dues, the CAA Annual Conference, and CAA Publications as of 2022 fiscal year covered only 50% of operating expenses for the year.  
      6. CAA’s digital transformation focuses on building capability, specifically collecting and analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data about the wants and needs of CAA constituents and enabling CAA to serve a global constituency without necessarily a corresponding increase in the number of CAA staff.  
      7. The most significant milestone in this has been implementing Microsoft Dynamics 365, which now serves as the central nervous system of CAA’s infrastructure. Dynamics 365 brings capability for an unprecedented range and depth of data analytics ability to connect with virtually any external and third-party service. New capabilities and benefits for CAA members include monthly installment payment plans. 
      8. There is much more to do in terms of building capability and capacity through redefined technology, infrastructure automation, and technical agility among staff members.  
      9. The core objective for all of this is to build a unified but uniquely personalized experience for every CAA constituent, tailored specifically to their individual membership journey.  
      10. A redesign of CAA’s website was paused due to financial and staffing challenges and therefore changes to the site will be made incrementally. 
    4. Updates on investments:  
      1. The market value of CAA’s investment portfolio on June 30th, 2022, was $10.450 million versus the prior year balance of $11.9 million, reflecting the challenging global financial market conditions.  
      2. The portfolio continues to be managed by Boston Trust Walden. 
    5. As of this meeting, the number of attendees for the CAA 111th Annual Conference is 2,728. This exceeds our registration target of 2,500. 
  5. Old/New Business  
    1. No old business was raised by meeting attendees. 
    2. No new business was raised by meeting attendees. 
  6. Board Member Election Results – Jennifer Rissler, CAA President 
    1. The 2023 Board of Directors slate was announced on December 22nd, 2022, along with an online voting form. Voting closed on Thursday, February 16, 2023 at 5 p.m. ET.  
    2. Congratulations to the following new CAA Directors (4-year term)Denise Baxter, Alex Bostic, Radha Dalal, and Sharon Hecker.  
    3. Congratulations to Carolyn Jean Martin, CAA Emerging Professional Director (2-year term).  
    4. All who were not elected were encouraged to run again next year. Some of the most productive Board members in CAA history had to run several times before they were elected, including some past CAA presidents.  
    5. The CAA Nominating Committee was thanked for their contributions to this election cycle.
  7. Adjourn 
    1. The 112th Annual Business meeting of the College Art Association will be held in Chicago in 2024, date to be announced.  
    2. The Annual Business meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m. ET.  
Filed under: Governance