CAA News Today
Thank You For CAA2017
posted Feb 21, 2017
Thank you everyone who made this 2017 Annual Conference in New York a lively and vibrant event. The CAA staff, board, and myCAA helpers spoke with as many attendees as we could and attended as many sessions as we could. From what we heard at the conference, through official feedback channels and informal hallway conversations, people had a good time and learned. Attendees felt challenged and invigorated by the discussions. That is all we can ask. We received positive responses to our themes of inclusion, problem solving, and feedback. The shortened ninety-minute sessions were welcomed and attendees shared that the addition of more sessions on diversity and current politics gave the conference a much-needed vitality. For our attendees, we hope that myCAA collectively felt like ourCAA.
We look forward to carrying this energy and momentum into the 2018 Annual Conference in Los Angeles, February 21-24, 2018.
There will be many, many more images to come in the next few weeks. But here are a few that we wanted to share right away.

Convocation as an Act of Protest

Distinguished Artist for Lifetime Achievement, Faith Ringgold

Distinguished Scholar, Kaja Silverman

Artist Judith Bernstein, a discussant in the Distinguished Artist Interviews

CAA-Getty International Fellow, Richard Gregor

Impromptu Protest Posters

Attendees Singing “We Shall Overcome” Together