Michele Prettyman Beverly reads
Queering Post-Black Art: Artists Transforming African-American Identity after Civil Rights by Derek Conrad Murray. The volume “amounts to the most comprehensive (and engaging) post-black theoretical methodology to date,” offering a new level of “critical rigor and innovative thinking” and “highlighting the intersection of black queer and sexual identities.”
Read the full review at caa.reviews.

Charles Palermo reviews Philippe Geinoz’s
Relations au travail: Dialogue entre poésie et peinture à l’époque du cubism: Apollinaire-Picasso-Braque-Gris-Reverdy. Among the literary genre of
these– or
habilitation-turned books, it “is among the very best,” “filled with close readings, wide-ranging and thoughtful use of existing literature, and a framework of pertinent intellectual-historical context.”
Read the full review at caa.reviews.

John Clark reviews
Radicalism in the Wilderness: International Contemporaneity and 1960s Art in Japan by Reiko Tomii. This “impeccably researched and well-written contribution” offers a “challenge to art history” by “understanding the way in which modernisms from the periphery within a cultural continuum coordinate with international and transnational tendencies to constitute contemporaneity.”
Read the full review at caa.reviews.

Stephanie S. Dickey discusses Laurinda S. Dixon’s
The Dark Side of Genius: The Melancholic Persona in Art, ca. 1500–1700. “Much more than an iconographic or visual survey,” the book “presents a solidly researched, interdisciplinary synthesis of early modern thinking about melancholia as a medical and cultural condition,” blending “medical, literary, and art-historical learning and lore.”
Read the full review at caa.reviews.