CAA News Today
Introducing CAA News Monday
posted Oct 26, 2017

Protest wall at CAA 105th Annual Conference New York, 2017. Photo: Ben Fractenberg
We’re excited to introduce you to CAA News Monday, a new weekly newsletter that takes a different approach to the start of your week. The Monday newsletter will embrace advocacy as its raison d’être, with a lead story each week and a round up of advocacy-related stories and news. Along with hot topics from the art, higher education, and advocacy worlds, we’ll be highlighting noteworthy jobs and opportunities from CAA’s network, and spotlighting a new weekly podcast as part of the CAA Conversations series. The weekly CAA Conversations Podcast seeks to continue the vibrant discussions initiated at our Annual Conference. Listen in each week as educators explore arts and pedagogy, tackling everything from the day-to-day grind to the big, universal questions of the field. The CAA Conversations Podcast will also be posted each Monday to the CAA website.
If you already receive CAA News on Wednesday you will automatically receive CAA News Monday. You don’t need to do a thing.
If you don’t get our Wednesday newsletter, sign up below for both.