CAA News Today
Call for Papers: Art, Design & Society | CIHA India Colloquium 2018
posted Mar 20, 2018

The National Museum Institute (NMI) in New Delhi, India. Image: Wikimedia Commons
New Delhi, India, November 27 – 30, 2018
Deadline: May 7, 2018
Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art (CIHA) India Colloquium 2018
Art and design are intrinsic to all forms with aesthetic value. In the modern world, the dichotomy between art and design was created by the socio-political and economic changes that were brought about by the industrial revolution and colonization. This has led to the paradoxical paradigm wherein the utilitarian designs of the past are perceived as art in the present and are displayed in museum spaces.
In countries like India, art institutions are products of colonialism which aimed at instilling western values leading to the collapse of traditional structures of art creation, dissemination and consumption. The living traditions of indigenous, popular and ritual art which formed the major corpus of artistic production in societies worldwide went unnoticed in the grand narratives. This led to the exclusion of a vast array of tangibles and intangibles that engendered incomplete perceptions of the past across the world.
This colloquium aims at bringing together the smaller narratives that have often been overlooked but which are nonetheless important parts of the tapestry of humanity. It has also become imperative that we re-examine the notions of art and design to understand the essence of the creative process across various cultures and encourage discussion and discourse on their interface and intersection with society. The colloquium particularly intends to probe the role of categorization and enquire into the very frameworks within which art & design operate.
Against this background, the colloquium would like to call for papers under the following topics:
- Design of the Past: Art of the Present
- Synthesizing the Sacred and the Secular
- Art & Design: Expressions of Conflict and Synthesis in Society
- Utility to Frivolity
- Space, Design & Art
- Power, Politics & Propaganda
- Sustainability: Practice and Production
- Vision, Perception and Interpretation
- Signs & Symbolism in Art & Design
- Prevailing Over Prejudice: Untold Stories
- Interpreting the Intangible Through the Tangible
- Impacting Society: Social & Digital Media
- Harmonizing the Individual and the Collective
- Art History: The Melting Pot
We invite paper presentations of 20 minutes. Please send a title of your proposed paper, an abstract of between 300 and 350 words. Please write the word “Abstract” in the subject line of your e-mail. Submissions must be sent to
Closing date for the first call for papers: Monday, May 7, 2018
Kindly note that participation in the colloquium will only be confirmed after receipt of payment of registration fee. Click here to register.
Prof. (Dr.) Anupa Pande
Professor & Head, Department of History of Art
Director & Pro-Vice-Chancellor, National Museum Institute
Dr. Savita Kumari
Assistant Professor, Department of History of Art
National Museum Institute