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CAA News Today

Conference Submissions for CAA 2018

posted by admin — Apr 07, 2017

Projects and Proposal Deadlines April 17 and 24

The Annual Conference Committee invites proposals of interest to its members and varied audiences. Submissions that cover the breadth of current thought and research in art and art practice, art and architectural history, theory and criticism, studio art, pedagogical issues, museum and curatorial practice, conservation, design, new media, and developments in technology are encouraged.

To submit a proposal, individuals must be current CAA members. All session participants, including presenters, chairs, moderators, and discussants, must also be current individual CAA members. Please have your CAA Member ID handy as well as the member IDs of any and all participants as this is a required field on the submission form. Please note that institutional member IDs cannot be used to submit proposals. If you are not a current individual member, please renew your membership or join CAA.

All session participants must also register for the conference. Online registration for CAA 2018 will begin October 2, 2017. Early conference registration will end December 15, 2017 and advance conference registration will end on February 7, 2018. Early and advance conference registration fees will not change from CAA 2017, New York.

The Annual Conference Committee will accept the following proposals for review: Complete Sessions, Sessions Soliciting Contributors, and Individual Paper/Project proposals. All sessions will be 90 minutes in length at CAA 2018. Please plan accordingly. For full details on the submission process for the conference, please review the information below and on the individual submission pages.


Session Soliciting Contributors

The Session Soliciting Contributors option allows a submission for a full session (90 minutes in length) with yet-to-be identified speakers and papers/projects. If selected, such sessions will be included in the call for participation (CFP) which opens June 30.

Individual Paper/Project

Individual Paper/Project proposals (15 minutes in presentation length) may be submitted for review. No specific theme is required. The Annual Conference Committee will review and select paper/project proposals based on merit and group approved submissions into Composed Sessions of up to four participants. A liaison from the Annual Conference Committee will be identified for each Composed Session to assist with the format and to help identify a session chair or moderator.

Complete Session
The Complete Session option allows a submission for a complete panel (90 minutes in length) pre-formed with participants and papers/projects chosen in advance by session chairs. This session requires advance planning and information gathering by the chair(s).

Affiliated Societies

Each Affiliated Society may submit either one Complete Session proposal (90 minutes in length) pre-formed with participants and papers/projects chosen in advance or one Session Soliciting Contributors proposal (90 minutes in length) to be included in the CFP which opens June 30. A note of approval from the Affiliated Society chair must accompany the submission. This session will be guaranteed and will be identified as an Affiliated Society session in all CAA publications.

Subsequent proposals by Affiliated Society members may be submitted separately by individuals, but are subject to peer review by the Annual Conference Committee and must be submitted via the Complete Session, Session Soliciting Contributors, or Individual Paper/Project submissions forms described above. These submissions are not guaranteed and, if selected, will not be labeled or identified as Affiliated Society sessions in CAA publications.

CAA PIPS Committees
CAA PIPS committees may submit either one Complete Session proposal (90 minutes in length) pre-formed with participants and papers/projects chosen in advance or one Session Soliciting Contributors proposal (90 minutes in length) to be included in the CFP which opens June 30. A note of approval from the committee chair must accompany the submission. This session will be identified as a committee session in all CAA publications.

Subsequent proposals by committee members may be submitted separately by individuals, but are subject to peer review by the Annual Conference Committee and must be submitted via the Complete Session, Session Soliciting Contributors, or Individual Paper/Project submissions forms described above. These submissions are not guaranteed and, if selected, will not be labeled or identified as committee sessions in CAA publications.




  • All sessions will be 90 minutes in length at CAA 2018. Please plan accordingly.
  • All session proposals must be completed and submitted online.
  • To submit a proposal, individuals must be current CAA members. All session participants, including presenters, chairs, moderators, and discussants, must also be current individual CAA members. Please have your CAA Member ID handy as well as the member IDs of any and all participants as this is a required field on the submission form. Please note that institutional member IDs cannot be used to submit proposals. If you are not a current member, please renew your membership or join CAA.
  • All session participants must also register for the conference. Online registration for CAA 2018 will begin October 2, 2017. Early conference registration will end December 15, 2017 and advance conference registration will end on February 7, 2018. Early and advance conference registration fees will not change from CAA 2017, New York.
  • CVs are required for panel proposals where the chair and, if applicable, the co-chair are known.
  • Session and paper/project abstracts should be no more than 250 words in length.
  • The accuracy of information entered into the proposal form (e.g. spelling of names, affiliations, titles) is important as it will be pulled directly from this database for conference publications such as Abstracts 2018 and the conference website.
  • The Annual Conference Committee makes its selections solely on the basis of merit and works to create a balanced program. Where proposals overlap, CAA reserves the right to select the most considered version or, in some cases, to suggest a fusion of two or more versions from among the proposals submitted.
  • If their proposals are accepted, CAA members may participate in session panels in consecutive years.
  • For more information about session proposals for the 2018 Annual Conference, please contact Katie Apsey, CAA manager of programs, at 212-392-4405 or Tiffany Dugan, CAA director of programs, at 212-392-4410.


  • February 27 – Call for Annual Conference session and paper/projects proposals begins
  • Proposal Submission Deadlines for CAA 2018:
    • April 17 – Proposal submission deadline for Sessions Soliciting Contributors
    • April 17 – Proposal submission deadline for Individual Paper/Projects
    • April 24 – Proposal submission deadline for Complete Sessions
    • April 24 – Proposal submission deadline for Affiliated Societies and CAA PIPS Committees
  • May 15 – Call for Professional Development Workshop Proposals begins
  • June 19 – Notifications sent regarding approved sessions for CAA 2018
  • Key dates for approved Sessions Soliciting Contributors included in the Call for Participation (CFP):
    • June 30 – CFP for approved Sessions Soliciting Contributors announced (includes Poster Sessions)
    • August 14 – Paper/Project submission deadline to chairs of Sessions Soliciting Contributors; deadline for Poster Session submissions
    • August 28 – Session chairs send notifications to participants selected from CFP; Poster Session notifications sent
    • September 18 – Deadline for all chairs to submit final abstracts and website listings to CAA
  • October 2 – Online conference registration opens
  • December 15 – Early conference registration closes
  • February 7 – Advance conference registration closes
Filed under: Annual Conference