CAA News Today
Call for Applicants to CAA’s Professional Committees (for term 2022–2025)
posted Jul 06, 2021

Attendees at a reception at CAA’s 108th Annual Conference in Chicago. Photo: Stacey Rupolo
The Professional Committees address critical concerns of CAA’s members. Each Professional Committee works from a charge that is put in place by the Board of Directors. For many CAA members, service on a Professional Committee becomes a way to develop professional relationships and community outside of one’s home institution, and to contribute in meaningful ways to the pressing professional issues of our moment.
Candidates must be current CAA members, or be so by the start of and throughout their committee term, and possess expertise appropriate to the committee’s work.
Committee members serve a three-year term, with the term of service beginning and ending at the CAA Annual Conference.
It is expected that once appointed to a committee, a member will attend committee meetings (including an annual business meeting at the conference), participate actively in the work of the committee, and contribute expertise to defining the current and future work of the committee.
All committee members volunteer their services without compensation.
The following Professional Committee are open for terms beginning in February 2022. Please click on the links in order to review the charge of each committee, as well as the roster of current committee leadership and members:
- Committee on Design
- Committee on Diversity Practices
- Committee on Intellectual Property
- Committee on Women in the Arts
- Education Committee
- International Committee
- Museum Committee
- Professional Practices Committee
- Services to Artists Committee
- Student and Emerging Professionals Committee
Committee applications are reviewed by the current committees, as well as CAA leadership (CAA’s President, the Vice President for Committees, and Executive Director). Appointments are made by late October, prior to the Annual Conference. New members are introduced to their committees during their respective business meetings at the Annual Conference in February 2022.
In applying to serve on a committee, applicants commit to beginning a term in February 2022, provided that they are selected for committee service.
Questions about the committee charge and current work to the current committee chair and/or to the Vice President of Committees: Lynne Allen (
Apply to serve by completing this form. Self-nomination submissions should include a brief statement (no more than 150 words) describing your qualifications and experience, combined with an abbreviated CV (no more than 2–3 pages) into a single PDF document and emailed to Applications will not be considered complete without a supporting statement and CV.
Deadline for applications: September 13, 2021 (11:59 PM ET)